About us

volunteer opportunities
Would you like to show support for our military but you’re not sure what to do? Do you have some free time and want to be patriotic? We can show you how!
become a supporter
We are always seeking individuals or businesses to assist us in our support for our troops, both deployed and at home.

We strive to update and educate the lenders, real estate professionals, housing counselors and all housing professionals who provide critical services to our military personnel everywhere. Armed with the skills necessary to put our military servicemen and women into affordable and sustainable loans, these key professionals will help keep neighborhoods across the nation lively and stable.

With the help of a strong network of professionals and volunteers across the nation, Boots Across America continually searches for ways to provide support to military personnel and their families through the inevitable fluctuations of economic and political climates.

The families who support our service members make untold sacrifices of their own and deserve a hand up as well. Deployment leaves behind spouses with double responsibility that is even heavier when children are involved. Boots Across America teams with other groups who hold events to connect these families with resources for individual and family enrichment whenever possible while continually searching for new ways to help meet their needs.